Monday, October 27, 2014

Digital Badge I

On page 86 of the textbook, the section entitled New Approaches to Assessment talks about how “tests are driving the curriculum instead of the curriculum driving the tests.  While completing some observations in a math class at one of the local middle schools, the teacher was teaching to the FCAT test.  There were several occasions where she actually said these types of problems will be on the test and they will try to trick you.  There has to be a better way of teaching math to these students.  With this type of environment, the students probably will not remember what was taught after the test because it was not delivered in a memorable and engaging manner.  Because each student learns in a different way and has different levels of knowledge, it is the teacher’s responsibility to assess the students prior to preparing and delivering a lesson based on each of the students’ needs.  If students are taught based on their needs and engage students with the use of technology they will know the material that will be given on the tests. 

How can teachers evaluate and assess students’ learning?  It is very important to determine what the students know prior to developing a lesson and after a lesson has been presented.   On page 77 of the textbook there are numerous examples that a teacher can use to test for student knowledge.  I did not understand what and how a digital portfolio could be used to test for knowledge.  According to a digital portfolio can be used to store and display a student’s work and is a place for a teacher to assess and offer feedback.  eBackpack is one example of a website that allows for students and teachers to create and maintain their own digital portfolio. 

On page 76 of the textbook, a teacher’s lesson design and development refers to knowing and understand what and how to teach a particular academic subject and then assessing what the students have learned from that lesson.  According to Stiliana Milkova with the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, there are six steps to follow to create a lesson plan:  1) outline learning objectives and determine what you want the students to learn.   2)  Develop an introduction that will grab the students’ attention and if necessary find out what the students already know about the topic.  3) Plan learning activities to help the students understand what is being taught.  This may include real-life examples, visuals, some form of technology could be integrated to reinforce the lesson. 4) Check for students’ understanding with some sort of activity or by asking questions that allows you to see what the students learned from the lesson. 5)  Develop a conclusion by going over the main points of the lesson and explain what they learned will prepare them for the next lesson.  6) Create a realistic timeline by calculating how much time you think is needed to cover each point of the lesson.  Sometimes teachers have to deviate from their prepared lesson due to a students’ needs. 

The digital tool I created this week was done using Padlet. 

Hertz, Mary Beth. (2013, May 20). Using E-Portfolios in the Classroom.  Retrieved from

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Milkova, Stiliana. (2014). Strategies for Effective Lesson Planning.  Retrieved from   

1 comment:

  1. Padlet is designed to be more of a virtual bulletin board for bits of information (notes, 'post its', videos, photos), rather than how you used it so I was intrigued to see your use and comment - just goes to show that we all have our own perspective! :) We use Padlet a lot for students to collaboratively brainstorm thoughts and ideas as a new lesson begins and as a digital Q&A during the lesson if students have questions or teachers solicit answers to questions and also as a way to let students post digital work.

    It is sad that you experienced that in the math class - unfortunately, teachers have been (and still are) under much pressure to 'teach to the test' so that student scores reflect positively on the school 'grade'. It is not right, but it is reality. Fortunately, I sense the tide is turning a bit and I hope that new teachers will work towards a more equitable sense of assessment and won't feel intimidated to do so.
